Attorney For Grandparents’ Rights in Texas

In Texas, the rights of grandparents can be limited. However, regarding certain issues, such as grandchild visitation and custody, laws exist that protect grandparent rights and ensure the children’s best interests are considered. If you find yourself in this type of situation, it is in your best interest to seek help from an experienced lawyer.

At the Setzer Law Firm PLLC, we can help with a variety of issues facing grandparents, including visitation, custody and legal guardianship. We will meet one-on-one with you to understand your situation and explain your options. Depending on your circumstances, we also can be a strong advocate for you in court.

Stand up for your rights! For straightforward advice and skilled representation, call us at 817-767-1865.

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Texas Grandparents Rights Attorney

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According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 5.6 million children in the United States are being raised by their grandparents. Oftentimes, the biological parents are unable to care for their children because of substance abuse, economic hardship, incarceration, domestic violence, abuse or neglect, illness, death or other issues.

If you find yourself in a position of primary caregiver for your grandchildren, you are entitled to certain rights. Depending on your circumstances, this may include:

  • Child support from biological or adoptive parents
  • Ability to make medical and educational decisions
  • Legal guardianship

Jill and John Setzer are skilled grandparent’s rights attorneys with 10 years of experience in family law. If you decide to file for legal guardianship or want to receive child support payments, they are fully prepared to negotiate or litigate on your behalf.

Sound Advice for What’s Ahead

At Setzer Law, we understand that grandparents have rights too. If you would like an advocate for your rights, call us at 817-784-7654.

Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to protecting your relationship with your grandchildren and ensuring your voice is heard in family legal matters.

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