Most people face financial challenges after divorce. This can be true even for higher income professionals. Having to support a household on just one income puts a strain on your finances, especially when there is a mortgage to be paid. A child may have unexpected medical expenses. As your children grow older, you may have to address the problems of college costs.

At Setzer Law Firm PLLC, we help our clients deal successfully with the financial challenges that accompany divorce. We have financial solutions for people from all walks of life and income levels.

For answers to the question of who pays the bills after divorce, call Setzer Law Firm PLLC, at 817-767-1865. We serve clients in the Keller, Texas, area, Tarrant County and Denton County.

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Commonsense Solutions To Help You Move Forward In Life

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Attorneys Jill Setzer and John Setzer have years of experience guiding people through the divorce process. When advising and representing you, Mr. and Mrs. Setzer will develop a comprehensive legal strategy designed to place you in the best possible financial situation, given your circumstances.

Some of the issues they can address include:

What will happen to your home? — Many people have a strong attachment to their homes. But will you have sufficient income after your divorce to pay for the mortgage, routine maintenance and major repairs? In some cases, it may make sense to sell the home. Jill and John Setzer also have creative solutions that may enable you to keep your home after your divorce. They can review your situation and advise you of your options.

  • Child support and spousal support — Jill and John Setzer will take care to achieve fair child support and spousal support payment levels for you. When significant changes occur, they can seek to obtain a modification in a child support or spousal support order for an affordable fee.
  • Child medical bills — A divorce settlement can specify how much each parent must contribute to health care insurance and unexpected medical expenses for a child. This is especially important when a child has special medical needs.
  • College costs — With the rapid rise in college tuition rates, this has become a major concern. One way to address this is to negotiate a divorce settlement that specifies how much each parent must contribute to a child’s college education. The settlement could also stipulate that a parent or both parents need not pay for tuition costs, or put limits on the total amount of parents’ contributions.

Fair division of assets and debts — In a Texas divorce, it is important to identify all community assets and debts. Jill and John Setzer have extensive experience in all aspects of property division, and will work diligently to protect your rights and assets.

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To schedule a consultation about financial issues and divorce, call Setzer Law Firm PLLC at 817-767-1865.

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