Couples handle their financial affairs and records in different ways. It is fairly common for one spouse to manage most or all of the income, pay bills and track bank accounts with little input from the other. When a divorce becomes likely or certain, this can become an issue of great concern for the man or woman who focuses on other duties.
To learn more about hidden assets and your divorce, call Setzer Law Firm PLLC at 817-767-1865.
Locating hidden assets and the tracing of assets across the financial system are specialized skills, making the use of expert resources potentially critical in your case. In representing our clients’ financial interests, we pursue every angle and enlist highly qualified professionals if they can provide real value in the case.
We support calm, amicable resolution of all issues in divorce whenever possible, but attorneys Jill and John Setzer also know how to apply pressure and litigate an intensely disputed, financially complex case. You can count on clear guidance aligned with your specific circumstances and priorities.
Get The Legal Counsel And Representation You Need: 817-767-1865