When a couple decides to end a marriage there are potentially many reasons behind it. Often they are unable to get along and reach a consensus on issues that impact their lives. For people in this situation it is not surprising then that they may not be able to agree on issues pertaining to their divorce. Some couples rely upon judges to make those decisions for them. While this may result in a matter being resolved, it may not be to the satisfaction of either party. Couples may not be aware that another approach is available—mediation.
Mediation is way to resolve disagreements that the parties involved cannot do on their own. This is accomplished via the assistance of a mediator. A mediator does not name a winner and a loser. Instead, he or she helps the parties navigate through the negotiation process. In mediation, this negotiation takes place in an atmosphere that is non-confrontational, enabling each spouse to be at his or her best. This often makes it easier for a resolution that both spouses can feel at least okay about, to be reached.
There are other reasons why mediation can be appealing to divorcing couples. In addition to usually generally taking less time than a divorce that is strictly handled in court, mediation is also generally less expensive.
Though mediation does not involve going to trial, it is nonetheless a good idea for each spouse to have a lawyer on his or her side. That individual can make sure the matters that need to be addressed in fact are.
Source: The Huffington Post, “What Most People Don’t Know About Divorce Mediation,” J. Richard Kulerski and Kari Cornelison, Jan. 24, 2012