These are the days your children will look back on after they’ve gone off to college. With some planning and good communication with your ex-spouse, sharing these precious days will be problem-free. If you’ve already agreed upon a very specific schedule for holidays and breaks, scheduling should be easy. And, if you and your ex-spouse have been flexible with modifying the existing visitation schedule or have been able to work things out—that’s even better.
However, if you don’t have a firm schedule in place, other parents have come up with creative solutions. Here are some ideas to help you find the best solution for all of you.
Visitation During Summer Break… For When Both Parents Work
In most families, both parents work, making it difficult to ask one parent to care for the children all day long for three months.
How to Handle Holidays and Birthdays
On holidays and birthdays, try to think about what is best for your children. Most children would love to see both of their parents on these special days. Admittedly, it is not easy to coordinate schedules for visiting extended family members, new in-laws, or step-families when everyone wants to spend holidays with the children on the same day.
Fortunately, it is quite common now for families to celebrate holidays and birthdays on weekends or the day or evening before. Schedule children’s birthday parties on weekends or when both parents are available to be there. Consider hosting it at a neutral location where it is easier to avoid any conflict with your ex-spouse. Often, age-appropriate restaurants or activities cost the same or less than a party at home would.
Your Children Will Thank You Later
At holiday and birthday times, it is hard not to want your children all to yourself. Yet, as much as your children love you and want to spend time with you, they feel the same about their other parent. That’s sometimes difficult to acknowledge, even though it’s true. Try your best to put your children’s best interests first.
If you have questions, we are here to help. Call an experienced attorney to help with custody and visitation questions.