In the heat of life’s most difficult moments, false accusations can occur that have lasting effects on your life. False allegations of domestic abuse often occur during divorce proceedings and custody battles to try and sway the outcome in favor of the accuser.
What Domestic Violence Means in Texas
According to the Texas Penal Code, domestic violence means anyone who intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another, including the individual’s spouse. It also includes threatening with bodily injury as well as offensive or provocative contact with the other party.
The penalties for domestic violence can range from a misdemeanor to a first-degree felony, or one year in jail to 99 years in prison plus fines. Penalties depend on the abuse victim’s relationship to the accused, past convictions and the type of violence inflicted.
Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence? Here’s What to Do Next.
Have you been falsely accused of domestic violence? Unfortunately, even false accusations can have severe consequences if not handled correctly. As soon as you’re accused, there are a few steps you should take immediately.
It’s important to understand your rights during these situations. If you’re arrested, remember that you have the right to refrain from giving a statement and the right to an attorney.
False Accusations Require Professional Attorneys
Unfortunately, false accusations can be difficult to manage on your own, with or without arrest. If you’ve been falsely accused of domestic violence and wish to learn more about your rights, send us a message.