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Family Law Blog

Why Consider An Uncontested Divorce? | Uncontested Divorce Texas

When two people agree to divorce, it is time to think about what the future holds. For many, this means filing for an uncontested divorce.There are many reasons a couple may agree to this, including the fact that it can save both time and money. Best yet, it can help put the process in the […]

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What Is Collaborative Law And Divorce Mediation?

The state of Texas and the divorce laws in the Texas Family Code are pretty clear regarding divorce mediation. The authorities prefer it if you can work it out between yourselves and your attorneys, especially if there are children involved. Can you get along long enough to decide what is best for the kids? Hopefully […]

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Divorce, Children And Visitation | Divorce Lawyer | Children & Visitation Attorney

There is nothing simple about divorce with children. While this is sure to place stress on the parents, it is important that any children remain stable at all times. Fortunately, most parents understand that this is more important than anything else.It can be difficult to agree on visitation arrangements. This is particularly true if both […]

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Establishing A Custody Order | Custody and Child support

While deciding custody and child support during a divorce can be a very challenging experience, those who were never married may face even more difficulties. This is especially true in the case of the noncustodial parent. Even though it can be a difficult and even intimidating process, it’s important to establish your parental rights in the family […]

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What Are The Residency Requirements For Divorce In Texas?

Getting a divorce in Texas takes time. Sometimes, if the divorce is high asset it can takes months or years. There is a section of law called the Texas Family Code that clearly sets out what you need to do, no matter how much property you have, to get a divorce. Section 6.301 spells out […]

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Judge Rules Embryos Must Be Destroyed After Couple Divorces

Custody and visitation issues can be one of the most antagonistic aspects of a divorce. However, with the strides made in the infertility field in the last few decades, divorcing partners may now also find themselves struggling over what to do with frozen embryos. In what could be a landmark decision for the couples dealing […]

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Parental Visitation Questions To Answer | Child custody issues

Child custody issues are not simple to deal with. Both parents will have their idea of what should happen, but the court is the one that gets the final say.Before we go any further, remember this: The best interest of the child should be most important to both parents.Visitation often times comes to the forefront […]

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What Is Divorce Mediation And Collaborative Law?

When you get a divorce, often the best route is to settle the different subjects that come up, like property distribution and child support, without the involvement of the court. This is called divorce mediation, or collaborative law. There are certain rules that you and your attorney need to follow from the Texas Family Code.The first […]

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Boy Abducted By Father Found 13 Years Later | Child Abductions

While watching the news can often make it seem otherwise, the truth is that most child abductions are done by a parent or other family member. In some cases, the parent takes the child because he or she she believes it is in the best interests of the child or is trying to protect the child from […]

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