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Family Law Blog

What Not to Do During a Custody Battle

Child custody battles are often dramatic, emotionally draining, and quite frustrating. The actions you take during this important period of time have the potential to help or hurt your cause. Your actions in and out of court will influence the course of your child custody case in several different ways. Let’s take a look at […]

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How to Divorce a Narcissist

Divorce is an inherently challenging process. Divorcing a narcissist makes this process that much more difficult. However, it is possible to divorce a narcissist in a timely manner with minimal drama. Let’s take a quick look at some tips that will help you divorce a narcissist in as peaceful and quick a manner as possible. […]

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How to Gain Custody of a Child That is Not Yours

Caring for a child that isn’t yours is one of the most amazing displays of love that exists in this world. That makes it a heartbreaking experience when that child is taken away from you. Disputes over child custody are among the most difficult to endure, but when you have the child’s well-being at stake, […]

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My Ex Is Lying to My Children About Me. What Can I Do?

Divorce is always a challenge, but when kids are involved, everything is exponentially more difficult. Kids raise the stakes, and while they often bring out the best of us, in a divorce, the opposite can certainly be true. When parents have to fight over their children, it is all too easy for things to turn […]

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When Is the Right Time to Adopt My Stepchildren?

If you have a blended family, one where each spouse has children from a previous relationship, knowing when to adopt your stepchildren can be challenging. Often, stepparents feel satisfied with their parental role in a blended family even when they aren’t the legal guardian of their spouse’s biological children. As a stepparent, when you’re satisfied with […]

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Who Gets Custody of the Pets in a Divorce?

You have probably heard tales of bad divorces getting ugly over money and child custody, but divorce can also lead to the worst property disputes. One part of these disputes can get especially messy and difficult, but it’s rarely discussed: Who gets custody of the pets in a divorce?There is no simple answer to this […]

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Can a Custodial Parent Move a Child Out of State?

Divorce is always a challenge. Unfortunately, it doesn’t all end once the papers are signed and the split is official. This is especially true when you have children together. The care of your children is of utmost importance, but it’s not always easy to determine what’s in their best interest. One of the messiest situations […]

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What to Do When an Ex Won’t Pay Child Support

Divorce is never a happy occasion, and when children are involved, it’s even more challenging. One of the most common obstacles is financial difficulties. It’s perfectly normal for single parents to need financial assistance from their exes. That’s why child support exists. But getting child support isn’t always easy or straightforward. If you’re dealing with […]

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Separate vs Marital Property

No one ever wants to get divorced. If it was the plan, why get married in the first place? Despite all of our hopes, it still happens, and it happens to a large number of people every year. It’s a normal part of life, but it’s complicated, tricky, and often messy. If you’re headed down […]

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Child Support Laws in Texas

The state of Texas has a lot to say about how child support should be managed. Because of that, every child support agreement has to be reviewed and passed by a judge, and that can make things complicated. To help, a quick breakdown of Texas child support laws can help you know what to expect […]

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