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Family Law Blog

Prenuptial Agreement Pros and Cons

Planning a marriage should be fun and exciting. Sure, there’s likely to be some stress in the mix, but ultimately, a wedding is a celebration for a reason. Unfortunately, the celebration doesn’t always end with a happily ever after. That’s why prenuptial agreements exist.At one point, the prevailing wisdom was that every marriage should have […]

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Annulment vs Divorce: Which is Right for Me?

The decision to end a marriage is never an easy one. Going through the process can be overwhelming, stressful, and confusing for all parties involved. Complicating matters even further, there is more than one option for how to actually dissolve a marriage. The most common in Texas are annulment and divorce. To help you understand the […]

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Custody Modifications: What Happens When a Custodial Parent Passes Away?

A custodial parent has both legal and physical custody of a child by court order. The custodial parent is responsible for making decisions and providing a home for the child. Should the custodial parent pass away, a custody modification is in order to protect the best interests of the child.The Non-Custodial Parent May Receive Custody […]

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The Stepparent Adoption Process

Every family is unique. At the Setzer Law Firm PLLC, we ‘ve represented families of all types and sizes in family law matters. When families blend after a divorce or the death of a spouse, we often hear from parents who are interested in stepparent adoption. They are looking for ways to solidify their relationships, […]

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5 Tips for Preparing Your Children for Divorce

It’s no secret that divorce is difficult for everyone involved. It brings about many life changes and transitions that can shake up a household. As difficult as it is for you, it can be that much more difficult for your children.Children Need Help Adjusting to Life ChangesChildren, especially young children, are creatures of habit. They […]

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Prenuptial vs. Postnuptial Agreements: What’s the Difference?

When a couple decides to get married, they understand they are entering into an arrangement that will result in the sharing of their assets and debts. Yet, what happens when there are large amounts of assets or debts involved? The couples may decide to enter into a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.What Are Prenuptial and Postnuptial […]

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Child Custody & Relocation: Understanding the Law

Life is complicated after a divorce. If there are children involved, the agreements you make with your co-parent spill into all other areas of life. Sometimes the agreements that work well initially become contentious when changes present themselves.With a major life change like relocation, a compassionate family attorney who knows the ins and outs of […]

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Prenuptial Agreement: What Is It & Do You Need One?

Over the years, it has been a common practice for the wealthy to obtain prenuptial agreements to protect their property should a divorce occur. But prenuptial agreements aren’t just for the wealthy. In fact, a majority of attorneys—62%—have seen an increase in the total number of clients seeking prenups in the past three years.So the […]

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Why Should You Pay for an Initial Consultation With an Attorney?

When searching for legal assistance, you’ll find attorneys that charge an initial consultation fee and those who offer initial consultations for free. Although it’s tempting to reach out to an attorney who offers a free consultation, paying for an attorney’s time has its benefits.3 Reasons Why You Should Pay for an Initial ConsultationIf you’re serious […]

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What to Do After Being Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence

In the heat of life’s most difficult moments, false accusations can occur that have lasting effects on your life. False allegations of domestic abuse often occur during divorce proceedings and custody battles to try and sway the outcome in favor of the accuser.What Domestic Violence Means in TexasAccording to the Texas Penal Code, domestic violence […]

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