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Family Law Blog

3 things to Know About Grandparent Visitation Rights in Texas

As Bob Dylan once said, “The times, they are a changin’.” This is true in many ways, but perhaps the most apparent is the evolution of the current family structure.The standard nuclear family composed of a father working outside the home to provide for the family while the mother rears the children, is no longer […]

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Divorce Rates Spike After Summer Break | Divorce Rate in Texas

A study recently published out of the University of Washington states that divorce in the United States has two distinct seasons. According to researchers, divorce rates are highest immediately following both the summer and winter holiday breaks.Why the connection to these two specific times of year? Researchers with the study point to two possible explanations. First, these time periods are […]

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Post Divorce Tip: Set Kids Up for Successful Return To School

School is just around the corner. Kids and parents alike are excited for that first day. Some are excited to meet a new teacher, new friends and maybe even start at a new school. Apprehension is likely mixed in with this excitement, but parents that have recently finalized or are going through the process of a […]

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Divorcing in Texas? What You Should Know About Gaining Custody of Your Pets

If you’ve recently made the difficult decision to file for divorce from your spouse, you may be mulling over the custody decisions you’ll soon need to make when it comes to your children. While you may think of your pets as part of the family, in most states, including Texas, they’re legally considered property — […]

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Three Steps To A Successful Grey Divorce | Grey Divorce Lawyer

Getting divorced at any age is difficult. However, those who are going through divorce later in life need to be aware of the fact that their divorce is different than those going through a divorce in their twenties.A divorce in your fifties can have a major impact on your future financial security. Without a careful […]

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What If I Think My Spouse is Hiding Assets? | hiding assets Attorney

Divorce is different for everyone. Some people seem to be very transparent when it comes to their finances, but when a closer look is taken you may find that money issues don’t exactly add up. In many cases, the wealthier a couple was during their marriage, the greater the chance is that your spouse will […]

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What You Need To Know About Property Division in Texas

While some may refer to marriage as “a piece of paper,” most people who have been married for any length of time, or are pursuing or thinking about pursuing a divorce will quickly discover that it is much more than that. Part of the reason for this is because marriage does more than merge hearts, […]

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What About Me !?! Tips For Divorcing a Narcissist.

Divorce is rarely an easy process, but a divorce involving a narcissist can be particularly difficult.What is narcissism?Narcissism is defined by medical experts at Mayo Clinic as a:[M]ental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this […]

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What is the 20/20/20 Rule In Military Divorces? | Military Divorce Rules

Military divorces have some considerations that don’t affect civilian divorces. One of the considerations that has to be thought about when you are going through a military divorce is the 20/20/20 rules for benefits. When miltiary spouses go through divorces, they are eligible to continue receiving military benefits if they meet specific requirements.What is the […]

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Mothers’ Rights: How We Can Help | Mothers’ Rights Lawyer

Fathers’ rights is an issue that is much debated and talked about among those in family law, but mothers’ rights is something that comes up much more infrequently. While it’s true that noncustodial parents have rights to their children that should be upheld and protected by the family court system, custodial parents also have unique […]

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