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Family Law Blog

Keeping The Family Home In A Divorce Means An Equitable Split

If your family home is in both of your names and you are getting a divorce, there can be a bit of upset coming your way. How do you split this equally? One way is that the home remains in the name of one of you and that person takes out a mortgage and refinances […]

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Unmarried Couples Need To Establish Paternity | Couples Paternity

When a child is born to a couple who is unmarried, they may already know beyond a shadow of a doubt who the father is. Many unmarried couples are very committed to one another, they are living together, and they may even have intentionally been trying to have a child together. The couple may be as happy […]

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Child custody: Long – Distance Moves Might Require Court Approval

Child custody orders have some points that govern what the parents can do. Generally, these orders have some geographical limitations or requirements, such as having to give notice and agreement from the non-custodial parent if the custodial parent is planning on moving out of the area. If the non-custodial parent objects to the move, the […]

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What Does A Qualified Domestic Relations Order Do For Me?

Upon finalizing a divorce, there may be payments that must be made from one spouse to another. Spousal support and child support are two of them. A “qualified domestic relations order or QRDO,” is a special order that is used to distribute pension rights between divorcing couples. If your spouse had a pension plan and […]

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Mediation To Resolve The Biggest Divorce Issues | Mediation Divorce Issues

There are times when the best way to resolve a divorce is through direct negotiation. This means that both parties, with the help of their attorneys, negotiate the finer details of the split. However, there are also situations in which mediation is the best way to move forward. In some cases, this allows both parties […]

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Virtual Visitation Offers All Parents And Children Interaction

After parents divorce, there is the possibility that one of the parents will have to move away from the area. In the past, that meant that the child didn’t get to interact with the parent who didn’t live nearby. With the advances made in technology, it is now possible for the parent and the child […]

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Legal Separation Can Be Had in Texas | Legal Separation Lawyer

Getting a divorce often starts with one spouse moving out of the family home and living a separate life. It can be hard on both of the people who are involved in this process. Getting a legal separation in Texas is not hard. You need to make your intention clear to the party you are separating from […]

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How do I Prepare For A Financial Separation During Divorce?

The end of a marriage creates a drastic change for Dallas-Fort Worth spouses. Many people focus on the emotional aspects of a marital break-up, which can be very tough to handle. However, a high-asset divorce involves a lot more than two people choosing to take separate paths.Divorce is about the division of lives. A physical […]

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Texas Divorces Some Of The Happiest | Texas Divorce

Even in cases where the couple has exhausted all other options and come to the realization that going their separate ways is the only path forward, divorce is not a fun or easy process. However, if you talk to people who have divorced or are in the process of divorcing, you’re likely to get many […]

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How Are Retirement Plans Divided In A Texas divorce?

Property division tends to be one of the most complex aspects of divorce, particularly for spouses with a high net worth. In many marriages, “hard assets” such as the family home are the most valuable assets, but for other couples, retirement accounts are the most valuable kind of community property.Generally, your retirement account is categorized […]

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