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Family Law Blog

Divorce in Texas Doesn’t Have To Be Hard | Divorce in Texas

There are only a few events in life that create change for a lifetime. Divorce is one of them. It is literally the death of a union that you held dear — what you thought would be a commitment for a lifetime. It can bring on emotional distress and upheaval to your entire family.You have […]

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Texas Delays Distribution Of Millions In Child Support

Parents have a responsibility to provide for their children’s needs whether parents are married or unmarried, living together or separated. Child support agreements and court orders reinforce those obligations. Texas had the highest child support collections rate in the nation last year at $3.8 billion.While that sounds like the state’s system is streamlined, critics say […]

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Military parents: Family Care Plans Reduce Deployment Stress

Child custody cases are often very complex matters. For parents in the military, the considerations associated with a child custody case are often more complex than those associated with civilian child custody cases. One reason for this is that military parents have to plan ahead for what will happen with their child when they are […]

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What do the Texas Statutes Say About Child Support?

Support for your child in the process of divorcing is extremely important to you. Ensuring that this child has no additional changes to his or her life is paramount to you. They have already had to face the fact that their mom and dad are not going to be together anymore. How much more upheaval […]

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Fertility Technology Can Complicate Divorce | Complicate Divorce

Dallas-Fort Worth couples who have trouble conceiving sometimes seek the assistance of fertility experts. During in vitro fertilization, eggs and sperm are collected from separate sources and combined to create embryos, which can be implanted or frozen for future use. But, what happens when the couple’s relationship doesn’t last long enough for the embryos to […]

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Is All Of Your Business Community Property? | Divorcing Spouses

In Texas, business assets can be categorized as community property, which is divisible between divorcing spouses. To arrive at a fair distribution of these assets, you will typically need legal counsel with the resources to accurately valuate the business. Those resources may include access to CPAs and experienced business appraisers.The history, current value and future […]

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Can I refuse to get divorced? | Protest the Divorce

With the release of thousands of account holder’s names in the Ashley Madison hack, it’s possible that some couples may be facing a divorce they never thought would come. In any case of infidelity, divorce is almost always considered as an option, and if you were the one who cheated, you may wonder if there […]

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How To Change The Support Order After A Divorce Is Final

When you get a divorce in Texas, most of the time there will be children involved. While property division due to a divorce is not able to be changed after the divorce is final, custody and support can be adjusted to better meet the needs of the child. Having legal representation who know the laws […]

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Why Should I Have A Forensic Accountant On My Divorce Team?

An attorney may be one of several key professionals retained by affluent Dallas-Fort Worth spouses during a marital break-up. Property division during a high-asset divorce involves careful handling.The hard part for some spouses is identifying and determining the extent of marital property that, under Texas laws, is divided equally when a prior financial agreement is […]

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Rutherford Returns Children To Monaco After Kidnapping Accusation

As Kelly Rutherford’s international custody battle continues, she has now been accused of kidnapping after refusing to return the children to Monaco. According to reports, the actress was to return the children to her ex-husband Daniel Giersch on Aug. 7. This order came after both the California and New York courts refused jurisdiction in the […]

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