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Family Law Blog

Protecting The Rights Of Texans, 1 Father At A Time

It is very stressful and frightening to think that you may not be able to have contact with your children — and it is especially scary to think that you children could grow up not knowing that you are their father. Paternity issues are most common when two parents were never a couple or never […]

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Texas High Court Approves Lesbian Couple’s Divorce

Same-sex marriage is not permitted in Texas. However, the ban didn’t prevent the state Supreme Court from recently allowing a lesbian couple to obtain a divorce. The couple, married in 2004 in a state where gay marriage is legal, spent four years trying to get a definitive answer from the Texas legal system.The decision was […]

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Mediation Might Help Parents Dealing With Child Custody Matters

Co-parenting and other parenting plans are major decisions that parents often face during a child custody battle. Determining what arrangements best suit your child and your specific situation can be difficult. Coming to a decision about everything from custody to visitation is vital during the course of the case.We know that you probably don’t want […]

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What is Co-parenting And Is It Right For You?

Co-parenting, or shared parenting, is becoming more and more common. The benefits of such an approach to parenting are many, but it’s not always easy for all parents.There are classes available in some locations that can help parents learn more about co-parenting. Not only are new skills often learned, but parents can meet others that […]

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Ways To Take The Stress Out Of Divorce | Is Divorce is Stressful

Divorce is stressful. If you’re moving closer to one, or involved in one already, you know this very well. What you may not know is that there are a few easy ways to remove some of the stress from the process.First of all, you and your spouse may want to use email to communicate. This […]

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Considerations For High – Asset Divorces Vary Greatly

Property division during a divorce is never an easy task. However, when a business or other high-value assets come into the picture, the difficulty is much greater. High-asset divorces come with some very real and complicated issues.In the case of a couple who has a business, valuation of that business is a big factor in […]

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Asserting Your Paternity Rights In Texas | Custody And Parental Rights

Musician Chris Brown is trying to establish paternity and obtain his parental rights with regard to his daughter, Royalty. However, one legal expert contends that the artist is facing an uphill battle if he wants to get full parental and visitation rights.The 26-year-old man has been embroiled in a child support dispute with the mother […]

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Preparing To Tell A Spouse You Want A Divorce

One of the reasons some unhappy Dallas-Fort Worth couples stay married may be because there’s no telling how a spouse will respond to hearing bad news. Divorce isn’t a snap decision for most spouses. Most individuals think long and hard about ending a marriage before the word “divorce” enters spousal discussion.Once the contemplating is over, […]

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What Do I Need To Consider About Summer Parenting Time Schedules?

Summer vacation is something that most children look forward to. For parents who are divorced, summer vacation can pose challenges that they might not want to have to deal with. Now is the time for divorced parents in the Dallas area to really start thinking about summer vacation plans since the end of the school […]

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Things To Consider When Divorcing With A Family Business

Getting a divorce is made even more complicated in Dallas-Fort Worth when a family business is involved. You must know your rights and legal options so that you don’t lose the value of that business. Below are a few things that you must consider.Should you work together?Some couples are tempted to keep working together after […]

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