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Family Law Blog

Understanding the Consequences of Drug Possession Crimes

Around the United States, drug crimes are on the rise. Drug possession and related crimes involving drug use are one of the leading causes of arrest. In fact, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, there is an average of one drug arrest every 20 seconds.However, is there a difference between partaking in an illegal […]

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How to Manage a Co-Parenting Schedule

After a divorce, the majority of couples with children enter into a co-parenting agreement for the benefit of their children, most taking advantage of 50/50 time. During this time, it’s important to properly manage the co-parenting schedule to ease the stress on all involved.The Importance of Co-Parenting After DivorceLife as you know it changes after […]

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Texas DWI Record Sealing Gives You a Second Chance

For years, Texas courts told defendants the same thing—that a DWI conviction will stay on your record forever, never going away, no matter what. But things have changed, and they’ve changed for the better. It’s now possible to seal the record of a DWI conviction so that you can put the past behind you and […]

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What Parents Should Know About Juvenile Crimes in Texas

The last thing parents want is for a youthful mistake to haunt their child for the rest of his or her life. And here in Texas, where the penalties for a juvenile crime can be rather severe, that is a real possibility. In this post, we’ll briefly highlight a few Texas juvenile crime facts and […]

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How the Consequences of a DWI Can Add Up

DWIs come with strict statutory consequences, including fines, jail time and license suspension. But, more than just these consequences, DWIs can complicate your whole life. Consider all the possible consequences when deciding whether to fight a first-time DWI offense.Penalties for a DWI Conviction in TexasIn Texas, a first-offense DWI is a Class B Misdemeanor. The […]

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False Domestic Violence Allegations Are a Family Matter

t is a notable moment in time for those who are victims of sexual harassment and other forms of abuse, too. The #MeToo movement isn’t happening in a vacuum. Women and men across the country are stepping forward in bravery to identify those who have abused their power and violated the rights of their victims.Serious […]

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It’s Summer! If You Party A Bit Too Much – Don’t Drive

Ah, summertime. Everyone looks forward to those long summer days and steamy, hot nights. It’s the perfect time to take things a bit slower and enjoy the glorious weather and festivities that come this time every year.From baseball games and backyard barbeques to weddings and waxing away in the great outdoors, there are numerous opportunities […]

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Align summer plans with divorce and child custody terms

It happens every year. Summer vacation has a way of quickly sneaking up on busy parents. No matter how hard you try to plan things in advance, it’s inevitable that you’ll face last-minute schedule changes and discover a few weeks that you forgot to cover.As a divorced parent, the planning takes on an extra level […]

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When borrowing a car in Texas can become a theft crime

Joyriding; it sounds like fun, but it is technically a felony. It’s breaking into a locked car and driving around just for the pure thrill of it. It seems innocent enough, especially when it is your teen or young adult child taking mom or dad’s car for a ride.Many of us might have a story […]

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Tax Changes and Divorce: Tax Reform May Benefit Both Parties

They say timing is everything. While there may never be an ideal time to file for a divorce, the $1.5 trillion tax reform passed in 2017 may make now a better time than ever. Included within the many tax changes is a provision that eliminates tax deductions for alimony payments.How Tax Reform Will Affect Divorce […]

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