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Family Law Blog

It’s Not Your Parents’ Custody Agreement

Parents are becoming increasingly creative with their child custody agreements. They believe that the usual practice of awarding primary custody to one parent and visitation to the other could be harmful to a child. The goal of non-standard custody arrangements is to minimize disruption in the child’s life and ensure that both parents have an […]

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6 Topics to Avoid on Social Media During Divorce

Most people have heard how important it is to exercise caution when using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. Often, however, they do not understand what “caution” means, especially in the context of divorce. As a result, the divorce and related child-custody proceedings may not turn out the way they had […]

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Getting Divorced? Prepare for These Changes to Your Social Life.

If you are thinking about getting a divorce, you need to know about the social consequences that will follow. You may not experience them until months after the ink is dry on your divorce decree. But knowing these things might happen may make it easier to navigate life post-divorce and continue to have a healthy […]

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Lessons Learned From Celebrity Child Custody Battles

Divorcing celebrities often seem willing to spend lots of money on custody battles, the results of which are seldom much different from the arrangements of people who don’t live in the limelight.Some recent examples of celebrity child custody battles include: Deadpool star Morena Baccarin and her ex, director Austin Chick, agreed after a year of […]

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10 Tips for Making Supervised Visitation Work in Texas

Supervised visitation is an unfortunate consequence of divorce for some parents. A court often orders it if one parent has problems with drugs, alcohol, mental illness or other issues. Alternatively, the parent may have the subject of a successful parental alienation campaign by the other parent.Even when a supervised visitation order is unjustified, parents must […]

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Divorced And Inheritance in Texas

Part of the Texas divorce process is dividing the assets and debts of the couple in an equitable way. As a community property state, Texas requires the fair and just division of all jointly owned property. Although it sounds simple, identifying property that is community property (jointly owned) and separate property (owned by only one […]

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Can Unmarried Fathers Obtain Custody?

Texas family law is gender-neutral—at least, it in theory. Courts presume that children do better when both parents are involved in their lives. But there are some big holes in the law and its application that can leave certain fathers at a disadvantage when it comes to obtaining child custody and visitation.Unmarried Fathers Must Secure […]

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Grandparents & Custody Rights During & After the Holidays

You are anticipating the upcoming holiday season and anxiously await visits from your children and grandchildren. But what happens if your grandchildren’s parents won’t let you see them? Do you have any rights during holidays or during the year?Unfortunately, Texas law is not very grandparent friendly. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have other options. […]

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Questions to Ask Yourself Before Seeking a Divorce

If you are considering a divorce, try to take good care of yourself. You’ll need to keep a clear head, so you can make the best decisions possible about your future. No one reaches this decision lightly and without losing a lot of sleep in the process.The time leading up to filing for divorce, is […]

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Solid Reasons to Change Your Custody & Visitation Schedule

Your life is constantly changing. Sometimes, it changes significantly enough that your existing child custody or visitation schedule no longer seems to be working. But how do you know if you have enough cause to be granted a modification?A judge will change a custody or visitation order only if it’s in the best interest of […]

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