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Family Law Blog

How Are Children Affected By Parental Disputes After Divorce?

Dallas-Fort Worth couples may come to a mutual agreement about separation or the formal end of a marriage. However, some relationships don’t end so smoothly. The parties may feel anger or bitterness toward one another – feelings that can be temporary or permanent.Couples who aren’t parents can distance themselves from one another following a separation […]

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End Of Marriage Being Blamed On Facebook | Facebook Divorce

Have you ever thought about how social media affects your marriage? One woman has and she says that Facebook ruined her marriage. The woman is getting a divorce and claims that the social media website is to blame for the end of her marriage.She says the issue started five years ago when she became addicted […]

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Coping With a Spouse’s Emotional Tirades During Divorce

The break-up of a marriage can cause emotional turmoil even for spouses who initiate the split. It can be stressful to cope with feelings about divorce as you try to make decisions about parenting plans, spousal support and property division. Anger and hurt can build up and boil over causing spouses to act out.Some Texas […]

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How Does Reproduction Assistance Affect Paternity?

Assisted reproduction techniques have become increasingly popular for women and couples who want to start a family. Considering the increase in popularity, it is necessary for people who are considering this method of conceiving a baby to understand how the law views certain aspects of assisted reproduction.Who are the baby’s legal parents after assisted reproduction?The […]

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High Asset Divorce : Athlete’s Wife Says Divorce Was A Surprise

Former Texas Rangers baseball player Josh Hamilton has filed for divorce from his wife Katie Hamilton. Katie Hamilton has since made several public statements regarding her surprise at the divorce. She said that they did not have any kind of major fight and nothing sparked the divorce.Mrs. Hamilton reported that she has never been unfaithful […]

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Reducing The Anxiety That Accompanies Child Support Modifications

Once a divorcing couple has ironed out all the details of their child support plan, the last thing either spouse wants to do is revisit the process. However, life likes to turn up the heat occasionally by making such dreaded tasks necessary. The anxiety that seems to go hand-in-hand with making child support modifications happens […]

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Separations Might Do A Marriage Good With Proper Ground Rules

For some couples, the need to take a break from each other can sometimes become overwhelming. In those cases, couples might decide to cool off for a bit by trying out a separation. This time can be beneficial for some couples, but laying out the proper groundwork is vital.In some cases, the separation gives the […]

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3 Important Issues To Consider During Texas Property Division

The emotional aspects of separating from one’s husband or wife are hard enough during a Texas divorce, but letting go of one’s hard-earned money and personal possessions only makes a separation more difficult to go through. When it comes to property division, there are several common questions that Texas residents tend to ask. Three of […]

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Let Us Help You With Your Child Custody Needs | Child Custody

In most cases when the end of a marriage or relationship involves children they become a priority. This is usually true for both the mother as well as the father. Accordingly, it is not surprising that parents would want to everything they possibly can to make the often difficult process as easy as possible for […]

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